
1800 Calories Diet Chart For Fat Loss With Macros(High Protein)

Hey people, I hope everyone is healthy and fit and in the way of pursuing their dream physique. The most important aspect of a human being is his/her health which we certainly ignore these days by eating junk food. I know I know it tastes good than a regular oatmeal but having a balance between these can really make a big difference. By the way, I am not here to stop eating you your favourite food whether it may be pizza, burger etc. Staying in your Calorie goal is the most important thing. Just imagine filling a glass of water continuously. What will happen? It will overflow right? So, what we need is to stay in our calorie goal and second thing which we people ignore is diet. Remember, diet is the key to your physique. You can exercise as much as you want but if you don’t have a diet plan you can’t succeed. Most of us, try to make diet chart ourselves or some of us pay for those and get scammed also. I Harshit Nayyar will help you guys out. Here I am taking an ideal goal of consuming

How I Lost Over 31Kgs in 11 Months Naturally.

 Hey, My name is Harshit Nayyar. This is my first blog and I would like to share my experience or you can say my real life journey. This journey is divided into 3 Phases-: 1. The Time when I was overweight and started hitting gym. 2. When I was lean and weighed nearly 80kgs. 3.  What am I doing now to maintain my current Physique. So let's start this blog. The First Phase This is the phase where I was fat. I was a fatty since I was born. I never really cared about being Fat till 12th grade. I was eager to join gym after my 12th grade but all the world was under lockdown due to Coronavirus. I waited for the Lockdown to be over and in October 2020 the gyms opened again and I joined gym as a Fatty with no one expecting anything from me and without any hopes. I started hitting gym 6x a week (I know it is a lot but still I wanted to get lean as soon as possible). First week in, I was doing cardio for 30 mins daily and full body weight training. By the end of the first week, I broke 1.5k